5 Fun Spring Adventures To Have with Your Dog

5 Fun Spring Adventures To Have with Your Dog

Hi everyone! It's Walter back behind the keyboard! I have missed writing my blog, but I've been so busy lately. We've been taking fun spring adventures with our family and other furry friends. These adventures have inspired me to share some ideas with you and your human companion. I do have a little bit of advice to share before you set out on your fun spring adventures. First, be sure that you're up for it. I know some of my loyal readers may be enjoying their senior years. That's certainly not a reason to stay home and be lazy, but it is something to think about. Are you going to enjoy the adventure or will it be too physically demanding? Do you have the energy and stamina this adventure requires? This advice isn't just for senior dogs either. Puppies, handicapped pets and pooches recovering from an injury may not be up for strenuous adventures. You also need to ensure that you are prepared for your escapade. A lot of this is up to your owner. Depending on the adventure that you're taking, food, water and a first aid kit for pets should be taken along. You will also need to wear your harness and make sure your person brings a leash too. Fun Spring AdventuresThere are a lot of things growing during the spring months, and unfortunately the flea and tick populations are on that list. For this reason, you need to remind your owner that you must have a flea and tick preventative. I take my preventative in the form of a yummy treat. My owner says it will keep me safe from parasites that spread horrible diseases, but I just love the way it tastes! I know trips to the vet are not fun, but this last piece of advice is very important - no matter what fun spring adventures you're planning for. You must be up to date on all vaccines before striking off. Whether you're going on a long trip or just venturing down to the dog park in your neighborhood, it's important that you have all of the mandatory vaccines. This will ensure your own safety, as well as the safety of all of the animals and people you meet.

5 Fun Spring Adventures To Have with Your Dog

Now, here are some of the fun spring adventures that I've taken with my human. I hope they inspire you to get out and get active with your owner too!

1. Go for a hike

Strap on your harness and get ready for a hike. I love hiking, because you can cater your adventure to meet the needs of virtually any dog/owner team. You can go for a short hike on a smooth trail or a long hike through rough terrain. Whatever your desire, there are trails all over the country for you to enjoy. Just remember that any dog going for a hike - no matter how strenuous the terrain - should have a comfortable harness and be kept on a leash at all times. You can check out our Chesapeake Harness for larger dogs or our Cape Cod Bay Harness for small breeds if you're in the market for a new harness.

Fun Spring Adventures2. Go to the beach

Everyone loves a day at the beach, and spring is the perfect time to go! Most beaches aren't very crowded this time of year, so you may even be able to run off leash if your owner allows it. The water is still a little bit chilly, but I bet you will enjoy a swim nonetheless. Your owner probably won't be interested in going for a dip though. You can also get in a great game of fetch or Frisbee in the sand. If you are looking for a durable dog toy that floats on water, BAYDOG offers Fetch Rings and Classic Bumper toys that are buoyant and waterproof.

3. Take a trip to the dog park

If you're a social dog, you'll love a trip to the dog park. There may not be a park in walking distance of your home, but tell your human to pack a snack or lunch and jump in the car. You'll meet lots of new friends, and your mom or dad may even make a new acquaintance too! Some dog parks even organize events to bring dogs and dog owners together with others. A quick Google search of the dog park closest to you should get you a list of any upcoming events.

4. Take part in some new types of training

Let's be honest, we all have things to work on. Maybe you still need some obedience training or your listening skills aren't quite up to snuff. One of the most fun spring adventures you can have with your human is training. I know what you're thinking, "Walter, that can't possibly be true!" It is! Training is fun for you and your owner. Plus, it really helps to strengthen the bond between the two of you. Trust me, after your first training session, you'll realize I was right! And, if you're already a pro with obedience training, you could try agility training, nose work training or even advanced trick training.

5. Walk for a cause

Spring is a very popular time for charities and non-profit organizations to hold runs and walks to raise money for their group. I know a 5K walk may sound a bit dull, but it's a lot of fun and a great way to get out and meet new friends with your human. Plus, you'll be helping to raise money for a good cause. There are walks all around the country for large organizations like the Humane Society of the United States, or your owner could look into events around your area that raise funds for local organizations.

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