We are so excited to announce our Fall BAYDOG Ambassadors! We had over 80 Ambassadors apply and we wish we could have chosen them all. We are so grateful for your entries and we hope you all re-apply when we open our next round of Ambassadors this Winter.
If you would like to be notified when our next Ambassador search opens, feel free to join our email list so you won't miss the announcement.
Introducing our Ambassadors
We currently have 3 Amazing Ambassadors and will be adding a 4th soon! Our Ambassadors will be putting our BAYDOG Gear to the test. Each of these incredible pups have their own Instagrams, so feel free to follow them as well to see how they wear their BAYDOG!
Honey is a five-month-old Golden Retriever from Baltimore, MD! She has such a big personality & needs a belly rub from everyone she meets. If there’s water involved—Honey’s the first one there. She loves to swim and will stay in for hours until her pawrents force her to take a break! She loves to be outside and plays with the lightening bugs every night. You can follow Honey on Instagram @baltimorehoney.
Hi everyone! My name is Wally and I’m a young, handsome chiweenie living in Arlington, Virginia. I’m not a morning person, so if you’re looking for me anytime before 11 AM, you’ll have to look under the covers. Once you get to know me, you’ll be shocked to see how many similarities I have to the man who inspired my name, John Wall. I’m long, just like he’s tall. And I’m great with balls, just like he is. My dedication to the (tennis ball) game has paid off, since I was recently named MVPup in my competitive fetch league. And the only thing I love more than balls is your attention at all times! You can follow Wally on Instagram @wallito_burrito.
Roxanne is a 7-year-old adventure-seeking border collie mix. She was adopted from a local rescue at 11 weeks old, and has loved hikes and naps equally ever since. She is from Connecticut and now lives in the beautiful state of North Carolina - but hasn't forgotten her New England roots! Roxanne has big ears, a big heart and a big desire to explore (and sniff...and dig...) everything around her.
You can follow Roxanne on her blog www.thedoodlediaries.com and on her Instagram @lifewiththedoodle.
4th Ambassador
Our 4th Ambassador will be announced soon, check back in to see who it is!
We are so excited to have these Ambassadors on board! Be sure to follow them to see how they wear and use their BAYDOG. Sign up for our email list to be announced when our next search launches. Share your travels in BAYDOG with us on our Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Happy adventuring!